Professional ProfilesPalaeontologist

People have been fascinated by the evolution of all life forms since time immemorial. Compared to all that earth's history has to offer, today we do not even know a fraction of what was there before us.

Scientists whose mission it is to answer all questions about past life forms and to understand their evolution are called palaeontologists. They try to find information about the evolution of plant and animal life from fossil organisms in rock formations.

They try to find information about the evolution of plant and animal life from fossil organisms in rock formations.

To become a palaeontologist you must have patience and a strong interest in history, geology and geography.

These researchers often work at colleges and research institutes, and in natural history museums or companies involved in archaeology. In order to work as a palaeontologist, candidates must complete at least five years of specialised higher education with a master's degree or even a doctorate. This study programme is not available in Luxembourg, so that you would have to study abroad.